Digi xbee devices not found

I have a project that has two library folder directories. There are two folders that are named digi , with digi.xbee

I installed both the digi plugin and the digi-xbee python library

However, pycharm doesn’t seem to find the digi-xbee library.

How do i resolve this error?

Best Regards,


I am not sure I understand what it is you are trying to do. Are you able to use the Import Sample XBee product function and any of the samples provided?

Hi, I create a new Digi Project, selecting only umqtt lib. Then I install using the package manager digi-xbee python library 1.5. Then in main project I try to access : import digi.xbee , but it’s not found. Is this because that the Digi project also creates a digi.xbee folder? If so, why would renaming the new digi.xbee folder also not resolve the issue?

What is the Digi product you are working with and where is the Python library you are trying to add being downloaded from?

Exactly what is it you are trying to do?

I am using the Digi Xbee3 Cellular Global LTE , I am trying to have it detect node XBEE3 devices because it will be the hub for their data. The Digi Pycharm plugin, doesn’t seem to have all of the libraries.

I would suggest you reach out to Digi Support by creating a case at my.digi.com regarding this. When doing so, please provide as much data as you can about your application, what hardware/firmware you are working with and what you are trying to do. Also indicate exactly what Error messages you are getting.

Hi, Let me explain again. This is an issue strictly with the outdated Digi Pycharm plugin and the Digi Xbee Python Library 1.5 ; Create a new Digi project and then install the Digi-xbee library - you will find you can’t reference the full digi-xbee library, such as [ import digi.xbee.devices] because the plugin creates a conflict. If you create a new project (not a digi project) in Pycharm, then install the digi-xbee 1.5 library the library references work properly. But since Digi requires the Pycharm plugin to program the boards and compile Digi projects - we need resolution to complete our project to fill orders with our Xbee devices.

The Python Library you are referring to is not for running on an XBee module or other Digi device but on a 3rd party processor or computer which in turn talks to an XBee network via the serial port.

The PyCharm plugin is for writing Micro Python applications on the XBee modules directly that support Micro Python or the IX15 or similar Gateway product produced by Digi.

The Plugin for PyCharm is kept up to date for what Micro Python functions are supported by the XBee modules firmware where by the Library you are referring to is not.

Thank you for your response. Why is it that there is an xbee.discover in the micropython example but not in the Digi Plugin code?

The Micro Python functions is for running Micro Python and its code directly on the XBee module and only on the XBee modules.

The function you are referring to is for running on an external processor.

I am using the Xbee3 Global LTE has a hub, and the Xbee3 for a node in an embedded application. What is the protocol that can be accessed via micropython, for them to communicate via RF Xbee protocols?

The only option I can think of would be via the BLU interface of both devices or if you connect the serial port of both devices together.

If you use the UART of both, then it would be a matter of the Micro Python interface from one via a COM port to the COM port of the other. Then it would be a matter of if you use Micro Python on the 2nd, API mode or transparent mode. At that point, it would be up to you on what you would need to use. Keep in mind that Digi does not offer a Micro Python option for talking to another XBee via the UART. This was not something that was considered as an option when the products were created. At least not without the use of an External processor between them.

Thank you for that information. The application we want to build is relatively simple for the hub, so should we look to use the AT command base, or the other API and not micropython? We want to communicate to other Xbees, and send data to mqtt, and allow the xbees to sleep when needed.

Then I would suggest using an external processor and use API mode on both modules. Then you can sleep the modules as desired and not have your code effected.