Base on the example showing in the wiki,
We can use serial communication to read an SMS.
However, when I connect the serial port using hyperterminal, so far I can only success using the sendsms command to send out sms.
When an SMS is send to the no., no response from serial port is shown.
Any idea? Could it be the configuration setting?
That is not how SMS works on a TransPort device.
That link you attached is purely for writing or reading from the serial port in python.
SMS can be sent with the sendsms cli command and incoming sms are written to the eventlog.
There is a callback available within the digisms python module if you want to retrieve sms. Do not use digisms for sending. It is easier to use the sendsms cli command.
Perhaps if you describe what you are trying to achieve then we can direct you better.
Thanks for the response. Now I understand, we do aware of the log file + type eventlog.txt cmd. Wish to find a more refined way to read the received sms instead of base on the log file which serve in a more general purpose.
Following is what we trying to do, we want to read the received sms for a particular text lets say “STAT”, then we will read some value from database and response to sender.
We got no intention to maintain a python module in the router (relatively harder to maintain and install) but we are communicating with the router using serial comm to read & sendsms.