I would like to know if a Linux driver exist for Xstick 802.15.4?
I use debian lenny.
In fact, i want to use the Xstick as modem 802.15.4 with a temperatur sensor .
I would like to know if a Linux driver exist for Xstick 802.15.4?
I use debian lenny.
In fact, i want to use the Xstick as modem 802.15.4 with a temperatur sensor .
I use a python script named xbee2.0 . It works fine. It’s second occurence of google search: ’ xbee 2.0 ’
I guess it’s too late but anyway …
The XStick requires a device driver, FT232R. To download this device driver, go to this web page and select the download appropriate for your operating system:
“http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm” and
Hope this helps.
Would you have an example of Python script that could write data to XStick so they are sent to the gateway then ?
Thanks and Regards,
thank you for your response.
It’s OK!