How to make a TCP connection to port 80, send the HTTP request with
sock_write, read the response with sock_read and then parse it?
i’m using dynamic c 7.3. Thank you
Isn’t there a sample available which shows just how to do it?
The samples in 9.XX use a socket to write the request to port 80, and read the port to receive the requested data.
I’m not sure on the legal issues of posting rabbit sample code here, but it shouldn’t be to hard to do it.
The sample is called active.c and its located in the dcrabbit_x.xx\samples cpip directory.
thank you for your help. yeah, i’ve been trying active.c, but i confuse when parse the content (grab from website). anybody can help me? or link that contain the problem solving? thank you
I have a sample that does a get request to a web server for an image. Maybe it will shed some lite on the type of data the HTTP server returns when a get request is received. It also parses the data and stores the image in extended memory.