Hello everyone,
I have an XBee 3 Cellular LTE-M/NB-IoT Global, firmware version L0.,A.02.01, with a Brazilian sim card.
Using the microPython, I’ve already tested with success those examples from digi: connection_status, ftp_client, http_request. However I can not connect to AWS IoT, but the test in my computer using my certificates worked fine.
PS C:\Users\user> & python c:/Users/user/Downloads/aws_https_pc.py
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
content-length: 219
date: Wed, 23 Jun 2021 19:08:35 GMT
x-amzn-RequestId: ffa2cfbd-1510-0a1f6-0213-ebce1e95a2
connection: keep-alive
| XBee MicroPython AWS HTTPS Sample |
- Waiting for the module to be connected to the cellular network... [OK]
- Connecting to AWS... Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/flash/main.py", line 134, in
File "/flash/main.py", line 84, in https_test
OSError: [Errno 7110] ETIMEDOUT
I’ve used the certificate downloaded https://ssl-ccp.secureserver.net/repository/sf-class2-root.crt as instructed in another post in this forum (https://forums.digi.com/70583/problems-connecting-to-aws-iot-using-micropython) and also the Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority - G2 from https://www.amazontrust.com/repository. As mentioned, both of them working with the computer test, but not in the XBee, same behaviour with and without ‘-ats’ in my endpoint name.
Using the XBee, I always receive the OSError: [Errno 7110] ETIMEDOUT problem.
I’ve seen someone here asking another user to test the ATLA command with my endpoint and it returned the IP, so I think that it is working.
I’m currently trying to get the aws_http test to work.
Also tried
>>> import socket
>>> s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
>>> s.connect((b'abcdefgklmnopq-ats.iot.us-west-2.amazonaws.com', 8883))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
OSError: [Errno 7110] ETIMEDOUT
ATVR 1141
ATMV L0.,A.02.01