External Interrupt and Timer Interrupt Issue BL21XX Board

Please find below the code where I have implemented both the external interrupt and a Timer Interrupt. When I set the compiler to use only one of the interrupts (enable/disable definitions at header ‘ONLY_TIMER’ and ‘ONLY_EXT_INT’), each interrupt works fine by itself. But when I enable both interrupts, the compiler throws me a different error every time, and I do not get anything on the rabbit board. By the way, I am using a BL2120 computer board with an RCM2300 core module.

Among the errors I get:

  1. Immediate Timeout after programming the board
  2. Program Terminated. Exit Code -6499
  3. Program Terminated. Exit Code 243

It is a concern to me the lack of consistency when compiling the code. Any thoughts or help on this matter would be appreciated.


#ifndef _FLASH_
#error "This program must be compiled to Flash."

/* Compiler Settings */

#class auto                                        // Put local variables on the stack by default

/* Rabbit Config */

#define     IOCONFIG                   0xDFFF      // '1111111111111111' All Ports as sourcing

/* Ports */

#define     LED                        13          // Valve Port
#define		PORTA								0001		   // EXTERNAL OUTPUT PORT A (OUT00-0UT07)
#define		PORTAShadow						&PortAShadow

#define		FAST_TIMERB
#define 		FAST_EXT_INT

#define		ONLY_TIMER
//#define		ONLY_EXT_INT

/* Test Timer */

#define PWM_PORT         PEDR			// using port E, bit PE5 (PE5_INT)
#define PWM_SHADOW       PEDRShadow
#define PWM_BIT_LOW		~0x20
#define PWM_BIT_HIGH     0x20

/* General Definitions */

#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE (0)

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE (1)

#ifndef OFF
#define OFF (0)

#ifndef ON
#define ON (1)

/* Aquamaster 250L */
#ifndef ONLY_EXT_INT
void timerb_isr( void );

#ifndef ONLY_TIMER
void my_isr();


#ifndef ONLY_EXT_INT
char flag;
unsigned char PortAShadow;

#ifndef ONLY_TIMER
unsigned int count;
int status, key;

static uint8   temp[4];

void main ()

   uint16 k;

   // Required for BL2100 series boards

#ifndef ONLY_TIMER

	count = 0;
   status = FALSE;

	WrPortI(PEDDR, &PEDDRShadow, 0x00);	// set port E as all inputs

	SetVectExtern2000(1, my_isr);

   WrPortI(I0CR, &I0CRShadow, 0x00);		// disable external INT0 on PE4
	WrPortI(I1CR, &I1CRShadow, 0x00);		// disable external INT1 on PE5

   for(k=0;k<4;k++)  {

#ifndef ONLY_EXT_INT
		interrupt_vector timerb_intvec timerb_isr;
		SetVectIntern(0x0B, timerb_isr);	   // initialize Timer B interrupt vector

   //Initialize External Port A (OUT00-OUT07) Shadow Register with zeros
   PortAShadow = 0x00;
	//Initialize External Port A (OUT00-OUT07) with zeros
   WrPortE(PORTA, PORTAShadow, PortAShadow);

   flag = 0;

   // initialize Timer B
   WrPortI(TBCR, &TBCRShadow, 0x09);      // clock timer B with PCLK/16 and set interrupt level to 1
                                          // each count corresponds to 1/11.0592MHz = 90.42ns

   WrPortI(TBM1R, NULL, 0);
   WrPortI(TBL1R, NULL, 0);        // set initial match

   WrPortI(TBCSR, &TBCSRShadow, 0x03);    // enable timer B and B1 match interrupts


 	while (1){
#ifndef ONLY_TIMER
		// output the interrupt count every second
  		costate {
      	if (status) {
			printf("count = %5u
", count);
         else {
         count = 0;

				key = getchar();
				if (key == 'D' || key == 'd')
					while(kbhit()) getchar();
               WrPortI(I0CR, &I0CRShadow, 0x29);		// enable external INT0 on PE4, rising edge
					WrPortI(I1CR, &I1CRShadow, 0x29);		// enable external INT1 on PE5, rising edge
					status = TRUE;
     			if (key == 'F' || key == 'f')  //Stop
					while(kbhit()) getchar();
               WrPortI(I0CR, &I0CRShadow, 0x00);		// disable external INT0 on PE4
					WrPortI(I1CR, &I1CRShadow, 0x00);		// disable external INT1 on PE5
					status = FALSE;


/****** interrupt routine for external interrupt 0 ******/

#ifndef ONLY_EXT_INT


#asm root nodebug

	push	af		;save registers
   push	hl
   push 	iy
   push	de

	ioi	ld	a, (TBCSR)		; clear the interrupt

	ld		a,(flag)				; get flag value
	inc	a						; increment
	ld		(flag), a			; save for next time
	and 	0x01					; mask off all but bit 0
	jr		nz, .set_high 		; jump to set the PWM output low

   c BitWrPortE(PORTA, PORTAShadow, 0, 0);
   c BitWrPortE(PORTA, PORTAShadow, 1, 1);
   jr		.done


	c BitWrPortE(PORTA, PORTAShadow, 1, 0);
	c BitWrPortE(PORTA, PORTAShadow, 0, 1);

	xor	a						; setup to load counter B with zero's
   ioi	ld	(TBM1R), a
   ioi	ld	(TBL1R), a		; writing to low byte enables next interrupt
   pop	de						; restore registers
   pop	iy
	pop 	hl
	pop	af
	ipres							; restore interrupts
	ret							; return
nodebug root interrupt void timerb_isr()
   if (TBCSR) {           								//Clear Flag
      count ++;
      flag = (count > 50)? 1:0;
      WrPortI(TBM1R, NULL, 0);
   	WrPortI(TBL1R, NULL, 0);               // Set initial interrupt compare value

      ld    a, (msb_cval)     ; put high byte value into bits 6 & 7
      ioi   ld (TBM1R), a
      ld    a, (lsb_cval)     ; get low byte value
      ioi   ld (TBL1R), a     ; writing to low byte enables next interrupt


/****** interrupt routine for external interrupt 0 ******/

#ifndef ONLY_TIMER
#asm root nodebug

   push	hl
   ld hl,(count)
   inc hl
   ld (count),hl
	pop 	hl
	ipres							; restore interrupts
	ret							; return


nodebug root interrupt void my_isr()
