External IO questions

I’m going to use a RCM3000 or RCM3200. (#define PORTA_AUX_IO)

I have several peripherals.

If I use bits PE4,PE5,PE6,PE7 as chip selects, can they be for high true or low true? (I need low true for each of them)

Do the PEn chip selects persist in their previous state until the next external I/O cycle?

And does PEn stay asserted if I do multiple external I/O accesses to the same address range.?

Do the PB2-PB7 address lines persist in their previous state until the next External I/O cycle?

One of my devices has an interrupt line, if PE4-7 are chip selects, can still I use PE1 (Int1A)?

(Int0A is in use for the LAN interface)

I believe all the answers of my questions is yes, I just want a little affirmation before I layout my circuit board.

