File system for RCM5750

My understanding from beeing down the documentation “rabbithole” is that the serial flash on the RCM5750 is not compatible with the FAT file system, is this really true? I have seen driver software in the library but have not found any samples on how to use it. Anyone??

Hi nisse,

First i was try C:\DCRABBIT_10.64\Samples\RCM5700\Serial_Flash\sflash_inspect.c with success…

I try to use Fat on the RCM5750 SFLASH, but…

Support Team say : no it’s not a good idea to use FAT on the RCM5750 Sflash… some occurs problem with the battery-backed RAM not available on RCM5750, FAT Cache problem, …

Okay, very bad news…

I was find very good informations in this thread :

And i try…

I was change the file FAT_CONFIG.LIB and add " || RCM5750" @ the end of line 134 ->
#elif RCM4200_SERIES || RCM4400W_SERIES || RCM5400W_SERIES || BL4S100_SERIES

Now RCM5750 is like other Core with Serial Flash.

I open the sample C:\DCRABBIT_10.64\Samples\FileSystem\FAT\FAT_WRITE_MBR.C

I compile it but i add before “brdInit();” into the main… to declare the port/pin where the Spi Serial Flash is attached.

Compilation is ok, but for the moment “Partitioning failed”…
i need to try erase the sflash page 0,1,2 (see the header of FAT_WRITE_MBR.C) with sflash_inspect (need to modify it too) and retry… but time is come to go to sleep ! :wink:

I will continue asap, if i have good results, please keep me informed.


ps : Sorry for my bad english.