My understanding from beeing down the documentation “rabbithole” is that the serial flash on the RCM5750 is not compatible with the FAT file system, is this really true? I have seen driver software in the library but have not found any samples on how to use it. Anyone??
Hi nisse,
First i was try C:\DCRABBIT_10.64\Samples\RCM5700\Serial_Flash\sflash_inspect.c with success…
I try to use Fat on the RCM5750 SFLASH, but…
Support Team say : no it’s not a good idea to use FAT on the RCM5750 Sflash… some occurs problem with the battery-backed RAM not available on RCM5750, FAT Cache problem, …
Okay, very bad news…
I was find very good informations in this thread :
And i try…
I was change the file FAT_CONFIG.LIB and add " || RCM5750" @ the end of line 134 ->
#elif RCM4200_SERIES || RCM4400W_SERIES || RCM5400W_SERIES || BL4S100_SERIES
Now RCM5750 is like other Core with Serial Flash.
I open the sample C:\DCRABBIT_10.64\Samples\FileSystem\FAT\FAT_WRITE_MBR.C
I compile it but i add before “brdInit();” into the main… to declare the port/pin where the Spi Serial Flash is attached.
Compilation is ok, but for the moment “Partitioning failed”…
i need to try erase the sflash page 0,1,2 (see the header of FAT_WRITE_MBR.C) with sflash_inspect (need to modify it too) and retry… but time is come to go to sleep !
I will continue asap, if i have good results, please keep me informed.
ps : Sorry for my bad english.