How do I create a console application using VB.NET to read XBee via USB?

How do I create a console application using VB.NET to gather data from XBee?

I have an XBee S2C mounted on a USB adapter connected to my PC and I’d like to develop a console application in VB.NET to read data similarly to what the XCTU v6.2 Console does.
Is there any examples or articles on how to do this or could help?

Digi does not offer any Samples that do what you want. You may want to do some searching on Microsoft’s web site on how to create a console session and how to send and receive data over a COM port with VB.

Thanks, I’m very familiar with the workings of Google but was asking if any of you XBee Developer guys or gals had already done this and could give me some expert advice and examples.