I am using S2B xbees (XBP24B7SIT-004) with a single coordinator and multiple routers.
The coordinator is in API mode, the routers are in AT mode.
The coordinator is connected to a PC using an XBee explorer. The routers are connected to proprietary PIC based hardware.
I want to read the RSSI of each of the routers remotely from the coordinator. There is no scope to connect the RSSI PWM to the PIC.
When I send the remote AT command to any of the routers, I always get the same value returned - “04” - I do not believe this value is a valid dbm.
Here are my request bytes (DB):
7e 00 0f 17 01 00 13 a2 00 70 40 76 44 FF FE 00 44 42 45
Here are the response bytes:
7E 00 0F 97 01 00 13 A2 00 70 40 76 44 FF FE 44 42 04 C1
It actually seems that any remote AT command I issue (such as NI to read the device name) returns “04”.
There’s a gap in my understanding somewhere! Any help appreciated.