How do I resolve the ETIMEDOUT error?

Hi guys I am using an Xbee3 802.15.4 TH. (firmware ver: 2012)
I’m trying to upload my Micropython code to Xbee device and have the following setup.
AP - Micropython REPL [4]
BD - 115200(7)

Afterwards, I checked the device working fine in the Micropython terminal and tried to upload the .py file to the device from the file system manager, dragging the file from Local Path to Remote Path, but I got the following error.

Error transferring file ‘C:.…\’:ETIMEDOUT timed out

The first few times, I solved the problem by removing the device and reconnecting it, but the number of errors seems to be increasing.

Are you re-uploading the file every time you run it? Have you checked the file system to see how much memory is left?

Are you using a sleeping mode? If so, try disabling this before you upload the file.

Code runs through a Micropython terminal.
But when I need to modify the code, it doesn’t upload well
There seems to be plenty of memory left

368.0KB free of 382.0KB

The sleep mode is also set to No Sleep[0].

How exactly are you trying to upload the file to the module?

Thank you for your help in resolving the issue!
I think I have solved the problem somewhat after several attempts.
When uploading micorpython code using XCTU’s file system manager and getting an ETIMEDOUT error, I did a few things.

First, I connected and formatted the device in question in the file system manager.
Next, I soft rebooted the device using Ctrl + D in the micorpython terminal and disabled the PS (Micropython Auto Start) parameter (0).
Finally, we reconnected the device to the PC and uploaded the code from the file system manager.

I don’t know if this completely solved the problem, but it helped me upload the code.

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