Hi all !!
How I can start “iDigi Dia” without having to reconfigure the Xbee modules?
Currently I have 16 XbeeDioAdapter spaced every 50 meters in a field. They are configured through “iDigi Day” to sleep a certain amount of time and send the state of pin 1, everything is ready. I can also see the digital state of pin 1 through port 4146 of ConnectPortX4.
My problem is that in the case of power failure. Because, when I start again connectportx4, I must restart the program (> python dia.py config.yml). When I restart the program, this configures all xbee modules again. Modules can not be configured every time there is a power outage. How I can start the presentation again (port 4146) without having to reconfigure the modules?
If not possible. Is there another way to view the state of pin 1 of the digital adapters using “iDigi Dia”?
In advance thank you very much!