I would like to know how to connect digi cloud using custom firmware (bare metal code).
I am using TI MSP430 with serial to ethernet connector.
I am not using any RTOS or linux based platform.
I would like to know how to connect digi cloud using custom firmware (bare metal code).
I am using TI MSP430 with serial to ethernet connector.
I am not using any RTOS or linux based platform.
You could utilize the the “Simple HTTP Device Interface”. This is a simple way to push up files using HTTP. No special iDigi code needed.
See Appendix D of the Web Services Programmers Guide. This Doc is available from the Help and Downloads link in the upper right corner of the screen when you login to iDigi.
I hope this helps.
There is also a new package out called ‘idigi connector’ which is a more direct non-HTTP method to add non-Digi devices to iDigi. For example, your Linux workstation, Andriod device, or a freescale/Intel micro-processor can be an idigi device.
I don’t have any idea about web services…
thanks for help…
my main aim is to upload text file with data in it…
can you please provide me example.
Vendor id: 0x0ABCD01 (dummy id).
you are correct,
but i have to port entire embedded code.
i am using serial to ethernet converter, i have to send only tcp frames…
from a non-digi device if you need to upload data to iDigi “iDigi_Connector” is a must. porting the code will help i suppose
I don’t have any idea about web services…
thanks for help…
my main aim is to upload text file with data in it…
can you please provide me example.
Do not let “Web Services” scare you. It is really just moving a file using the HTTP protocol, POST operation.
If you look at the end of Appendix D you will see a python example. What you will need to do is implement an HTTP POST in your bare metal code. I am not much of a programmer, but you should be able to find examples for your environment (in C or whatever).
We don’t have rtos or an embedded os.
it’s a bare metal code,
and porting requires lot of OS related facilities.
i have serial to ethernet converter for communication.
Thanks for reply,
I understood http header procedure…
but problem is I can’t keep persistent log-in…
since it’s a bare metal code and I am sending tcp headers I don’t have mechanism to cache SESSIONS and COOKIES.
do have any idea about keeping persistent log-in and upload data.