Thank you for the quick response on my last question Eric. I think I have decided to pursue a DigiMesh network. I have used the PRO point-2-multipoint modules to transmit (basically streaming) between two points. I have been reading about and see a huge benefit in using a XBP9B-DMSTB002 (programmable) xbee over a “standerd” one. The programmable model would allow me to omit the use of an external microcontroller. I have tried to find a linear set of instructions for this module but have been unsuccessful. I am not sure of the what hardware I need beside the xbees themselves. I already have some breakout boards (, but not sure if these can replace the Debugger and the XBee USB Interface Board.
My understanding of how to setup and program the XBP9B-DMSTB002 is to start with This link does not say this process is specific to the XBP9B-DMSTB002 however. I am assuming at a minimum I need a USB debugger and the USB Interface board. As long as I have one set I can program each xbee one by one. My project target is to have 15 xbees in a DigiMesh network and for each xbee to be able to talk to other xbees in the network specifically.
With all this being said I have found the above link describing setup of the programmable xbee and which talks about the programming of the cpu among other things. I fell like I am missing a concrete approach. Any help on maybe a dev kit that contains these specific model (I cant find one), or confirmation that the two items listed about is all I need to be able to create a custom digimesh network.
**As of now I would buy both the Debugger and the XBee USB Interface Board along with the xbees. follow After the steps it seems that I can configure the radio and the cpu on the xbee via usb from debugger just buy switching from xctu and codeworrior. Thank you to anyone who can provide any insight and if this question gets answered hopfully it will help others.
PDF document that you are are referring appears to be quite old with outdated information.
However, it is still correct broadly on major points i.e. you have to install XCTU and Code Warrior (with XBee SDK) software on your system. And XBIB interface board with JTAG debugger can be used to upload application on MCU of XBee.
I suggest you to pick one XBee Dev Kit since it will contain all required hardware (XBIB board, modules, debugger with cables and antennas) for you to get started.
I found this dev kit but nowhere can I find it specifying that the modules it comes with are the XBP9B-DMSTB002 except the “B” in the part # and the assumption that they have to be them by default possibly since they are programmable (debugger pictured) and 900mhz. Also the “dev kit starter guide” in the documents section has no mention of programming and doesn’t even show/list the debugger nor is it listed in the parts list either. Is this the correct kit for the XBP9B-DMSTB002? Thanks for the response Killer, I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge with me on this. I don’t know why this process has to be so difficult for me. I usually find everything I need online but cant seem to find the information I need after hours of searching up and down the net. I know there has to be a document somewhere that has this all laid out that’s up to date. Could it possibly come with the kit? Again thanks for the help.
Update: I downloaded codewarrior and SDK and 95% of what Im looking for is on there. Now I just need to know if Im looking at the right kit.
Yes, you are looking at the correct kit. Also the 3rd party board such as the Adafruit boards are fine for sending data back and forth but they are not designed for the advanced functions such as changing firmware or uploading code via a BDM programmer. The only boards that I am aware of so far that support these functions are the XBIB boards found in the development kits by Digi.
Thanks you for the reassurance on the dev kit question. I’m probably going to have acouple more questions as time goes on. Thank you (mvet and killer) for your responses.