how to send data from one Xbee to another Xbee on labview? Like I have connected one Zigbee module with Arduino which is getting data of sensors and sending date to other Xbee which is connected with computer. Now I want second Xbee to send data to labview. I found this article very useful
but I did not found labview file and code. Can anyone guide me regarding this issue?
The exact same way. Just forget that there is a radio there at all and think of it as a Cabled connection. Your process is the exact same. That is, you would do a Serial Read.
Look for VISA in labview. Its a library (or toolkit) which is for serial communication. U can send data to xbee from labview in two ways. One way uses arduino where labview sends data to arduino and arduino in return sends data to Din pin of xbee (which ultimately gets transfered to the receiving xbee).
The other way is quite simple, u can connect a ttl to usb on the Din, Dout and GND pin of ur xbee, (here no arduino is required for labview side xbee) and then use VISA toolkit to send data to xbee which gets transfered to receiving xbee.