i.MX53 module pin config (IO Mux)?

I am using the i.MX53 with WCE, but need to config the pins on the module differently.

I have the Freescale IO Mux program, and can load, modify and save the “_Wi-i.MX53+JS_3.IoMuxDesign.rfull_with_jumpstart.xml”

How do use/transfer this file on the module, so the module gets the new configuration?

i believe you have to configure BSP manualy - i do not think iomux intention is to do it for you automaticaly.

How do I configure it manually, do you have a procedure?

Do you have a procedure how to configure the BSP manually?

I don’t know much about wince. google returns this:

Hello Handersen,
We have i.MX53 jumpstart kit. We plan to design our custom carrier board for the imx53 module. We’ll use some additional GPIOs.

Do you have “Freescale IOMUX tool xml file” for this kit ?
