I just want to have a webpage which displays current data sent by the \T\L sensor. Is there an easy way to do this?
I am not M$ Windows user, but I had to have acces to a machine of this kind to be able to install Discovery tools, XCTU and all that crap. I can see the listed devices on the router like webpage, but they do not display data. Do I really need to install python and login to M$ DOS command shell to run that >> channel_dump.
Overall I see Digi’s way too complicated just for reading one sensor. Also Python 2.4.3 is no longer available at python.org, but 2.6.3, I hope all that yml crap still work with newer versions.
The 2.4.4 Python works fine with the Wi-9P. You will get a warning that there is a version mismatch when building however.
With the Wi-9P (I also bought this starter kit) you do need to build the code and download it to the Wi-9P. Then Telnet into it to start the code (or set the check box to start the code on boot up).
Once the code is running you log into the Wi-9P with your web browser and the LT sensor value is displayed. Or Telnet into the a port and do a channel_dump.
Yea, Digi’s hype lead me to buy that system and I worked on using it for a few months. I have now abandoned the Wi-9P and am using the XBee coordinator on the XBIB-R dev board directly into a PC COM port. I’ve been writing my own code with Python to have it do what I want.
The Digi Dia that runs on the Wi-9P is great if you want to pay Digi to collect and access your data or log into the Wi-9P from a remote location. Otherwise its better just to use your PC.
> Yea, Digi’s hype lead me to buy that system and I
> worked on using it for a few months. I have now
> abandoned the Wi-9P and am using the XBee coordinator
> on the XBIB-R dev board directly into a PC COM port.
> I’ve been writing my own code with Python to have it
> do what I want.
Attaching the device to a serial port on my computer and knowing the data from the sensor is what i want.
What you are doing is great. I might also have to do something similar.
Are there some special commands to communicate with the XBee coordinator through the PC serial port? Do you mind to share resources?
> Anyone want to buy a barely used Wi-9P board?
BTW, you could still reuse the Wi-9P as a computer if you are able to flash linux into it. I wonder if Digi provide such tools to reflash this boards.
If you haven’t used python it may take a little time to figure out what it is doing. Insert “print” statements to find out what intermediate objects look like.
“Dive Into Python” is a good starting tutorial that explains the basics well. Its here: http://diveintopython.org/index.html
Once you understand the command and data frame formats you can write code in any language you are comfortable with.
The coordinator is running API firmware so the all interaction with this module will be API frames. These are explained fairly well in the 90000976 document, chapter 9. The other modules (router/end device) should be running the AT firmware (otherwise know as transparent mode). The AT commands are in chapter 10 of the above mentioned document.
Other important information is scattered throughout Digi’s other documents. This forum has a great amount of information as everyone seems to have been stuck trying to understand when starting out. Read through all the rf modules, python and Dia forums.
The modules work great once the details are understood.