I am developing python source code to be used in connectport x2 and this source code has to be exported. Is there any way to convert it to binary form? I changed it to .pyc but it does not work at the connectport x2 gateway.
Yes, you can try tools which embed modules and a Python interpreter together into an executable, like PyInstaller and py2exe. These tools would offer you an additional layer of obfuscation over the bytecode files.
Shielding your Python sources from undesirable perusers is less demanding said than done, on the grounds that .pyc bytecode is decompileable and the jumbling is effortlessly figured out. It took me a while to make sense of an appropriate method to conceal Python code…
Meet Cython, an enhancing static compiler that takes your .py modules and makes an interpretation of them to high-performant C documents. Coming about C documents can be gathered into local parallel libraries with no exertion. At the point when the gathering is done there’s no real way to switch arranged libraries back to lucid Python source code! Cython underpins both Python 2 and 3, including the advanced async/anticipate grammar. From my experience, the main thing it couldn’t do is nonconcurrent generators.