Loosing connexion after a few days

I’m using tree END DEVICES RF modules for remote sensors and one COODINATOR RF module to update data from the sensors.
Default parameters, except:
(800)SC-Scan Channel
(1)JV-Channel Verification
(0)BD-Baud Rate
(4)SM-Sleep Mode
1x XBP24-B ZNET 2.5 COORDINATOR AT ( 1047 )
Default parameters, except:
(800)SC-Scan Channel
(0)BD-Baud Rate

The NETWORK works perfectly, my problem is that after a few days one off the END DEVICEs disconnects fron the NETWORK. The only way I have found to connect again the NETWORK is to switch OFF and ON the END DEVICE module.

Why this happens? How can I avoid this ?

One thing I’d recommend is updating the Router/End Device AT firmware to 1247 and retest.

Yes, I made the update to 1247 but the proble is the same !

As a quick test, try setting D0 to 3 (or something other than 1). The D0 command defaults to 1 which enables the commissioning push button behavior. If 4 high to low transitions are detected on this pin in about a 1 second time, it would revert to default values and leave the network. (A power cycle would restore whatever the last saved parameters were.)

If this fixes the problem, is it possible you are getting some static or other interference on pin 20 that is causing the leave? When the leave happens, are all XBee settings reset to defaults?