Loss of communication between the two xbee after some time

I have a communication between Labview - Arduino UNO in which management analog inputs and digital outputs using all the pins of Arduino UNO , in which I logged my -S2 XBee modules, one of them as coordinator and the other as a router, both BR 115,200 .

My problem is that when I start my LabVIEW program work well at first, but after my XBee communication modules lose some time doing that in my LabVIEW program and turn apagen in my digital signals and the like , in a nutshell goes crazy : P .

I wonder what the correct settings for XBee modules , if the firmware or does this problem.

Sound like you are simply trying to run too fast for the Xbee modules you are working with. Try reducing the data throughput to around 20kbps.