new RCM2250 for OP7200

Hi there,

somehow my original RCM2250 preconfigured f�r use with my op7200 got broken. I ordered a new module and just plugged it to my op7200.
Now i’ve got the error message about a required GLTOUCHSCREEN.LIB.
I read that i have to configure the board ID of the new RCM for use with a 7200 by setting the boardtype and calibrating but i’ve no idea how to do…

I hope anyone can help me.

think I found the problem:

I am using the write_idblock.c in version 2.06.
But this is not compatible with Dynamic C 9.26 cause of TableVersion 5.

workaround should be using Dynamic C 9.10 or lower but I don’t like such kinds of “downgrades”.

Does anyone got a write_idblock.c which is compatible with Dynamic C 9.26?

edit: got a new write_idblock_920_926.c from Rabbit Support …
problem solved