Newbee can't figure out my error message on line 9

This is the code that I am using to try and produce an constant output voltage of five volts, and another port to determine the input voltage. Thanks for any help

/* ========================================================================= /
Initialize Rabbit Port C to have an input at PC0 and an output at PC1 /
that is generating 5V /
========================================================================= */

void PortInit()
/* Set up port C to have an output at PC1 and an input at PC0 /
WrPortI(PCDCR, NULL, 0); /
All bits are normal - not open drain /
WrPortI(PCFR, NULL, 0); /
Normal function - general ios /
WrPortI(PCDDR, NULL, 0xfe); /
All bits as outputs, except PC0 /
WrPortI(PCDR, NULL, 0x02); /
Set all bits to 0, except PC1 */