Dear ALL,
Am a newbie to hardware world and microprocessors. Thats why am seeking your help.
I executed a sample code under Serial"Cof_EchoBlk.c" and connected it to the HyperTerminal (COM1, 19200, 8bits and 1 stop bit) BUT no data appeared in the window. In the code it specifies:
Connect RS232 cable from PC to Rabbit:
Connect PC’s RS232 GND to Rabbit GND
Connect PC’s RS232 TD to Rabbit RXB
Connect PC’s RS232 RD to Rabbit TXB
But i don’t have clue how to apply this connection on my board. I tried to tie RXB and TXB with a jumper BUT didn’t work. (PROG/DIAG serial cable end is plugged in COM1)
Please, your help is highly appreciated.