RestAPI integration with rabbit

Hi, I would like to connect with RestAPI with no success out of my rcm5700.
when you tap on the browser:

you get everything well done. however when i try on using rabbit i get 401 unauthorized.
so i asked and they told me to:instead of passing X-Parse-Application-Id and X-Parse-REST-API-Key in the body, you should pass them as headers.
so i try to put them as headers like that:

void my_headers(HttpState *state, char *buffer, int bytes)
strcpy(buffer, "X-Parse-Application-Id: 72o2e8mNkcDoIKkswXKqF4OAxSCiwRwf2VTaFElI
X-Parse-Client-Key: Q3Tqe3WpuxNQiWhhSikHauj6UpLIHfUhoc16j5Rr?
printf("bytes: %d
", bytes);

with no success…maybe i need to use ssl? however when i try i get that the ssl library is not support device lower then 128k. is it possible that we can not send request to ssl api with rcm5700?

if anyone succeed to use parse api with rabbit i wiiling to pay him for help!

here is my code:

http client.c
Digi International, Copyright © 2008.  All rights reserved.

This sample program demonstrates the use of the HTTP client library to
request files from a remote web server and display them to stdout.

In addition, it shows how you would read the headers of the HTTP server's
response, and use the HTTP server's clock to update the Rabbit's RTC.

Run sample on a Rabbit with an Internet connection.  Enter URLs in the
STDIO window, and the sample will download and display them to stdout.


#define HTTP_CUSTOM_HEADERS(state, buffer, bytes)
my_headers(state, buffer, bytes)
///// Configuration Options /////

// define SHOW_HEADERS to display the HTTP headers in addition to the body
//#define USE_HTTP_SSL
// define HTTPC_VERBOSE to turn on verbose output from the HTTP Client library

// define UPDATE_RTC to sync the Rabbit’s real-time clock to the web server’s
// if more than 10 seconds out of sync.
//#define UPDATE_RTC


  • Please see the function help (Ctrl-H) on TCPCONFIG for instructions on
  • compile-time network configuration.
    #define TCPCONFIG 5
    ///// End of Configuration Options /////

// Set a default of declaring all local variables “auto” (on stack)
#class auto

// default functions to xmem
#memmap xmem

#use “dcrtcp.lib”

#use “http_client.lib”
#use “http.lib”

void my_headers(HttpState *state, char *buffer, int bytes)
strcpy(buffer, "X-Parse-Application-Id: 72o2e8mNkcDoIKkswXKqF4OAxSCiwRwf2VTaFElI
X-Parse-Client-Key: Q3Tqe3WpuxNQiWhhSikHauj6UpLIHfUhoc16j5Rr
printf("bytes: %d
", bytes);

void print_time()
struct tm rtc; // time struct

mktm( &rtc, read_rtc());
printf( “The current RTC date/time is: %s”, asctime( &rtc));

void httpc_demo(tcp_Socket *sock)

char	url[256];
char	body[65];		// buffer for reading body
long	curr_skew;

httpc_Socket hsock;
int retval;
int is_text;
char far *value;

// last clock skew setting
curr_skew = 0;

retval = httpc_init (&hsock, sock);
if (retval)
printf ("error %d calling httpc_init()
“, retval);
is_text = 0;
printf (”
Enter a URL to retrieve using the following format:
printf (”[http://][user:pass@]hostname[:port][/file.html]
printf ("Items in brackets are optional. Examples:
printf (”
printf (”
printf (”
printf (”
while (1)
printf (”

Enter URL (blank to exit): ");
gets (url);
if (*url == ‘\0’)

		// clear screen (first string) and print name of URL to download
     printf ("\x1B[2J" "Retrieving [%s]...

", url);

     retval = httpc_get_url (&hsock, url);
     if (retval)
        printf ("error %d calling httpc_get_url()

“, retval);
while (hsock.state == HTTPC_STATE_HEADER)
retval = httpc_read_header (&hsock, url, sizeof(url));
if (retval > 0)
if ( (value = httpc_headermatch( url, “Content-Type”)) )
is_text = (0 == strncmpi( value, “text/”, 5));
// echo headers if HTTP client didn’t already do so
printf (”>%s
", url);
else if (retval < 0)
printf ("error %d calling httpc_read_header()
", retval);
printf ("Headers were parsed as follows:
printf (” HTTP/%s response = %d, filesize = %lu
(hsock.flags & HTTPC_FLAG_HTTP10) ? “1.0” :
(hsock.flags & HTTPC_FLAG_HTTP11) ? “1.1” : “???”,
hsock.response, hsock.filesize);
if (hsock.flags & HTTPC_FLAG_CHUNKED)
printf (” body will be sent chunked
printf (” Rabbit’s RTC is %ld second(s) off of server’s time
hsock.skew - curr_skew);

        #ifdef UPDATE_RTC
        	if (labs (hsock.skew - curr_skew) &gt; 10)
        		// only update if off by more than 10 seconds
               printf ("  Updating Rabbit's RTC to match web server.

write_rtc (SEC_TIMER + hsock.skew);
curr_skew = hsock.skew;

        printf ("

while (hsock.state == HTTPC_STATE_BODY)
retval = httpc_read_body (&hsock, body, 64);
if (retval < 0)
printf (“error %d calling httpc_read_body()
“, retval);
else if (retval > 0)
if (is_text)
body[retval] = ‘\0’;
printf (”%s”, body);
mem_dump( body, retval);
httpc_close (&hsock);


// It’s safer to keep sockets as globals, especially when using uC/OS-II. If
// your socket is on the stack, and another task (with its own stack, instead
// of your task’s stack) calls tcp_tick, tcp_tick won’t find your socket
// structure in the other task’s stack.
// Even though this sample doesn’t use uC/OS-II, using globals for sockets is
// a good habit to be in.
tcp_Socket demosock;

void main()
// initialize tcp_Socket structure before use
memset( &demosock, 0, sizeof(demosock));

printf ("http client v" HTTPC_VERSTR "


printf ("Initializing TCP/IP stack...

