Performance between PortServer and ConnectPort

I am performing back to back testing with the Digi PortServer TS16 and ConnectPort TS16. From and application perspective, I have found that the ConnectPort TS16 is approx. 5-10% slower in Serial Comms using RealPort than the PortServer TS16. Are there some tuning parameters I should play with to improve the throughput of the ConnectPort TS16.
We will eventually be replacing all our PortServer TS16 (60 of them) with ConnectPort TS16, but have hit a road block with regards to the performance.


What operating system and RealPort driver versions are you using?

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
RealPort 4.7.410.0

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
RealPort 4.7.410.0

You might want to try the following RealPort configuration to see if a difference is seen:

Also, make sure modem scanning is turned off as it will drop the baud rate to 1200 baud:

I had already enabled Stop Modem Scanning, but will try the Enable Write Complete. Will let you know later in the day. Thanks for your help.

OK… tried the Enable Complete Write but our application does not work with this setting. the application could not open the com port successfully.