RCM5700 Ethernet connectivity problem

Ya, I want the RCM5700 to be the server. But I still prefer option 5, since I am new in this area, but I still have some experience with option 5.

What I intend to do now is to make the RCM5700 the server, and as for the client I would like to do it using VS2008. Is it possible? If yes, do you have any sample on it?

The only examples I have are for BACnet and I have built most of the apps fine using VS2008 Express Edition.


Can you give me step by step guide on using BACnet?

Documentation is relativly thin on the ground at the moment but getting things running with the RCM5700 is very simple if you are using the development kit as the sample app is designed to allow the switches and LEDs to be accessed as BACnet binary input and output objects.

The app has 3 tasks which are responsible for the BACnet setup and simple user interface for testing, handling the transfer of data between the I/O pins and the BACnet objects and keeping the TCP/IP stack running smoothly.

The comments at the top of the app describe the required setup and the functionality provided.

All you need to do to run it is:

  1. Unzip the BACnet stack to your hard disk.
  2. Modify your LIB.DIR file to point to the src and demo directories e.g. in my case:


  1. Run the main.c app in the RCM5700 dir


Sorry, I don’t understand step 2

you need to either add lines to the LIB.DIR file in the Dynamic C installation directory to include the src and demo directories for the stack in the search path for the compiler or copy those dierctories to the library directory for Dynamic C.


Oh, I get it.

And for step 3, which main.c do you mean?

The one in the ports\rcm5700 directory

If you have two or more RCM5700 devices you can run the app on multiple devices and they will discover each other read and display a selection of properties from their device object.

As well as using the apps from the C version of the stack to access the RCM5700(s) via BACnet there are a number of other resources available on the web which you might want to seek out:

There are some additional BACnet projects on SourceForge which may be useful.

There is an open source SCADA package called Mango which can talk BACnet (I haven’t tried it out myself yet but it looks good)

Some of the commercial BACnet software suppliers provide time or resource limited demos of their BACnet browsers which may be useful for testing (Scadasoft, Chipkin, Cimetrics etc may be worth checking out).

Wago have a BACnet configurator tool which you may be able to get (registration on their website is required first)


There is no rcm5700 in the ports folder. can u send it to me?

The zip file for the stack (release-011.zip)should have several subdirectories in the following layout:


If these directories are not present you will need to download the zip file again directly from the link on SourceForge.


Oh, I downloaded the wrong file. Thank you so much. I will test it tomorrow, as I can’t test at home due to some circumstances.
Do you have skype, ym, or msn account? I think it will be easier and faster if we discuss it via skype, ym, or msn.

Anyway, does this main.c you mentioned perform a some sort of communication between PC and RCM5700 through local area network? If yes, why is there only one source code (main.c) which is for rcm5700? How about the pc side?

For the PC side of things you can use the software from the PC version of the stack which is at https://sourceforge.net/projects/bacnet/develop

There are lots of example programs there which could be used as a starting point for what you need to do.

Also some of the software I mentioned in the earlier post may be of assistance.

Another habdy thing about using BACnet for this is that Wireshark understands BACnet and can give you really detailed breakdowns of the packets.
