I have several questions about reading from one of the serial ports (sorry it’s going to be tidious):
- After writing to the serial port (stop bit is sent)-when the read data register is full,i understand that-bit 7 of the status register goes up to ‘1’ value.so,when i execute serDgetc() this bit will turn to zero and after the next character enters the data register from the read FIFO the bit 7 goes back to ‘1’. is it correct?
2.I transmitted data using port C and recieved it with port D, i can read the data but i don’t see any change on bit 7 of the status register (of the Rx port) during execution,what configuration must i perform (control register?)
in order for bit 7 to act as predicted? or should’nt I expect it to be ‘1’ when i send data to the Rx port?
3.Continuing the previous question,when i set the control register of the port Rx to enable reciever input,disable interrupt,8 bit data,async mode
-0x00. I noticed that bit 7 of the status register (port C) change from 0 to 1 when writing from port D to port C,but i can’t read the data. serCgetc return fail. why is that?
thank you for your help.