Reading ASCII lines from a text file (Rabbit4000)

Dear guys,

I am dealing with Models RCM4000, 10Base-T Ethernet for Remote Monitoring and Control.

Currently I have codes that can create new files into the NANDFLASH. I can even append some text like “Hello world!” into the same file.

however, I can’t seem to read the file contents. I am using a Telnet environment to do this. Are my codes okay? Or there are doubts on it? Thanks you so much! :rolleyes:

int fOpen;
int rc;
char buf[254];
FATfile my_file;

fOpen = fat_Open(fat_part_mounted[0], filename, FAT_FILE, FAT_OPEN,
				&my_file, NULL);

rc=fat_Read( &my_file, buf, sizeof(254) );

tnPrintf("String: %s", rc);

fOpen = fat_Close( &my_file ); //release file handler

return fOpen;