I’ve asked in several existing threads about this, but it looks like it needs its own threads.
I’m migrating an app that began life on the command line in 6.0b and has been upgraded up to 7.3. I am trying to move it to ESP on 7.4.2. The way it was built before doesn’t lend itself very well to ESP, so I am taking the following approach.
I start a new project with the wizard, selecting Net+OS project. This builds a shell application, which I can compile and load into my module. It doesn’t do anything, but it builds and I can get to its web pages, etc. I selected only the modules I need, web server, SNTP, FTP server and SSL. I also set the BSP parameters to enable the C Library filesystem, and turn off Auto IP and the dialog. Then I begin adding code from my old app one section at a time. After adding only a couple of small functions (initialize the I/O pins, open the serial port, read config data from the filesystem), when I build, I get an error saying that CODE_RAM is full. Here’s the link stage of the build:
Building target: image.elf
arm-elf-gcc -o image.elf ./web/RpPages.o ./web/RpUsrDct.o ./web/filelist_v.o ./web/index_v.o ./web/network_config_v.o ./web/reboot_status_v.o ./web/reboot_v.o ./web/session.o ./web/upload_firmware_v.o ./web/webmenu.o ./web/webutil.o ./web/wireless_ip_config_v.o ./web/wireless_network_config_v.o ./web/scripts/errhandler.o ./web/scripts/utils.o ./web/scripts/validation.o ./web/img/logo.o ./web/html/filelist.o ./web/html/index.o ./web/html/network_config.o ./web/html/reboot.o ./web/html/reboot_status.o ./web/html/upload_firmware.o ./web/html/wireless_ip_config.o ./web/html/wireless_network_config.o ./web/css/stylesheet.o ./Com_Main.o ./GP_IO.o ./appconf_api.o ./config.o ./dgSyslog.o ./errors.o ./root.o ./tcpip_wrap.o ./sys/util/cpu_utilization.o ./sys/util/firmware.o ./sys/util/nsuptime.o ./sys/http/cgi.o ./sys/http/file.o ./sys/http/httpsvr.o ./sys/http/security.o ./sys/ftp/ftpsvr.o ./sys/filesys/fileinit.o ./sys/cli/clisvr.o ./sys/cli/cliwireless.o ./sys/appservices.o -mbig-endian -nostartfiles -mcpu=arm7tdmi -T bsp/7_4/connectme/ls/image.ld bsp/7_4/connectme/lib/reset.o /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/arm7/32b/gnu/memcpy.o /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/32b/gnu/crt0.o -Wl,–start-group bsp/7_4/connectme/lib/libbsp.a /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/arm7/32b/gnu/libflashdbg.a /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/arm7/32b/gnu/libsntpdbg.a /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/arm7/32b/gnu/libposixdbg.a /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/arm7/32b/gnu/libdnsclntdbg.a /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/arm7/32b/gnu/libtcpip_no_ipsecdbg.a /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/arm7/32b/gnu/libtxdbg.a /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/arm7/32b/gnu/libaddpdbg.a /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/arm7/32b/gnu/libtelnsvrdbg.a /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/arm7/32b/gnu/libfilesysdbg.a /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/arm7/32b/gnu/libftpsvrdbg.a /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/arm7/32b/gnu/librphttpddbg.a /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/arm7/32b/gnu/libsshdbg.a /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/arm7/32b/gnu/libssldbg.a /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/arm7/32b/gnu/libcryptodbg.a /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/arm7/32b/gnu/libemailcdbg.a /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/arm7/32b/gnu/libmanapidbg.a /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/arm7/32b/gnu/librealportdbg.a -L /cygdrive/C/netos74/lib/32b/gnu -lc -lgcc -lm -lstdc++ -Wl,–end-group -Wl,-Map,image.map
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.2.0/…/…/…/…/arm-elf/bin/ld: region CODE_RAM is full (image.elf section .shadowRom)
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [image.elf] Error 1
make: Target `all’ not remade because of errors.
Build complete for project Exchange ConnectME
First of all, what little code I’ve added shouldn’t be enough to put such an app over the limit.
Second, no matter how I try, I can’t get rid of it trying to link in librealport and libemail, neither of which I need or were in my old makefile based app.
Any ideas of what could be wrong?
If it matters, I’m running on Windows 7 64 bit, and my ESP About box shows Version: 1.4.0, Build id: 03132009 NET+OS 7.4.2.