remote switch with feedback: configuration issues

I am trying to build a remote control with feedback (without an external microcontroller): the difference with the light switch example is that the receiver has to send back to the trasmitter an acknowledge in order to switch-on a LED of feedback on the transmitter module. I am working with two XBP08-DPWIT-024 modules ( the firmware version is 1061). With the two modules I have done successfully a range test but I don’t succeed in configuring the two modules: I don’t see any changes while changing the switch position.
Below are the configuration parameters that I have changed in X-CTU Modem configuration window

Transmitter side (the switch is connected to IO0 and the feedbackwith a 10k pull-down resistor and the feedback LED to IO1)

  • ATID: 7FFF (default value)
  • ATDH: 0 (default value)
  • ATDL: FFFF (default value)
  • ATD0 : 3 (Digital IN)
  • ATD1: 4 (Digital OUT)
  • ATIC: 1
  • ATIR: 64

Receiver side (IO0 and IO1 are connected together)

  • ATID: 7FFF (default value)
  • ATDH: 0 (default value)
  • ATDL: FFFF (default value)
  • ATD0 : 4 (Digital OUT low)
  • ATD1: 3 (Digital IN)
  • ATIC: 2
  • ATIR: 64

What is wrong?

The product you are using does not support direct IO line passing. In this product you must use API mode and remote AT commands to change a value of a remote DIO lines status. That is I must send a remote AT command using API mode to change the line from a high state to a low state.