In Digi ConnectCore i.MX51 kernel configuration, only SD1 and SD3 port configuration options are given. Can we configure SD2 and SD4 ports in kernel?
Can we configure SD1 and SD3 ports to access the SD cards in 4-bit mode? If yes, how to configure same in kernel?
SD1 & SD3 can be enabled in a kernel project configuration.
See attached.
page 48 , http://ftp1.digi.com/support/documentation/90001128_G.pdf
page 10 says :- 3 memory card interfaces on non wireless variant.
I haven’t tried 3rd interface. May be i can give a try.
Thanks for the reply.
I have seen that we can configure SD1 and SD3. I didn’t find option to set 1-bit or 4-bit mode.
Though document says wireless module supports 3 SD card interfaces, kernel supports configuration for only 2 cards (SD1 & SD3).