I made a program to use the serial link of rabbit, this program only works great, but when I integrate it into my main program an error is detected during compilation.
Line 1: RWEB_HTTP.LIB ERROR: Out of root code space. Please Refer to the Dynamic C User’s Manual for more information.
I am using the http.lib in my program but I do not see why it would ask for the serial issue.
The compiler error surviens because of this line: serCputs (ETVX1);
I hope to find help
(Sorry for the mistakes, I am French and I use a translator internet).
Which version of DC are yousing and what board/module?
Depanding on the above and the compiler settings it may be possible to rearrange things to free up root code but we would need more info to help.
The .org file from the version that does compile properly would help as well to see where there is room to make changes.
Hello, first thank you for trying to help me.
I use DC 10.66. with rabbit 5700.
My final project study is to realize a programmable irrigation system through a web page.
So I make web pages (the main form) and the C code that processes it. To this I would add an RS232 link to share with other system variables.
There must be more than 50 variables used.
This is the. Org code without the serial link (the program runs).
It is. Org code of the serial link only [two warnings reported] (the program runs)
Line 1745: WARNING RS232.LIB: CINBUFSIZE undefined, defaulting to 31
Line 1761: WARNING RS232.LIB: COUTBUFSIZE undefined, defaulting to 31
Com arose
And finally here on. Org code where I try to integrate the two (not running)
Thank you for your time
Have you tried enabling separate instruction and data spaces in the compiler options? You have very little root code space left in the app that compiles and this would give you a lot more.
So if I understand because I am not very good in English and translation internet do not work miracles;).
The error would occur because of space? I would therefore have to increase this space?
Could you tell me what to do for this?
As a first step you can try the following:
In “Project Options” select the “Compiler” tab and check the “Enable separate instruction and data spaces” box.
Yes it to market, everything compiled, but the program does not work anyway. I continued looking.
He never comes home in this if statement: if ((n = serCread (msg2, MAXSIZE2-1, TIMEOUT))! = 0)
I do not know why, it’s really bizare, when I met program works separately and there is one who walks more (the serial). You think it can be said of the Warning?
Thank you very much for your help
Hello, Actually This issue caused by the compiler trying to put more functions in root than will fit.
There is one technical note regarding ,How to solve these kind of errors and rabbit memory usage tips, Go through this document . Might be it will help you