I’m a newbie in XBee programming. I’ve started building a simple temperature sensor ( LM335 ) attached to the AD0 pin of XBee, it seems to work fine until I’ve decided to use sleep mode. I’ve configured SP = 0x07D0 ( in theory, 20 seconds ) but the real thing is that my coordinator is seing sample data every 55 seconds.
My XBee Pro 2, is using ZIGBEE END DEVICE AT firmaware, v288C.
Things that I do not understand:
SM = 4 by default, but could be useful during development to have SM = 0 in order to avoid sleeping and do not have to use resets to wake up the XBee every time. Change is not possible in X-CTU or terminal using AT commands.
SP = 20 seconds, IR = 2 seconds, ST = 5 seconds, and SN = 1. So in theory the device is entering sleep mode every 20 seconds, reads sample data every 2 seconds during 5 seconds in order to grant at least 2 samples and sleeps again.
What I’m doing wrong ?
Details of XBee with firmware ZIGBEE END DEVICE AT 288C