So, you can run firmware(MicroPython Project) and software(Python Project) concurrently(same time) on an XBee3 network? Like if I turn on an xbee that has micropython uploaded to the device (firmware) that runs automatically when powered on, and at the same time I run my main Python program that has all the GUI buttons and functionality already developed… is that fine/good/normal/ok?
I have an XBee3 network where my GUI developed in Python allows you to press buttons and stuff (widgets) which run functions that turn on/off pins on the XBee3 chip. I ran out of I/O so I attached a slave device MCP23017 i2c I/O expander on an i2c bus facilitated by each XBee remote router module acting as the master. (Each router module is the master to its respective io expander slave on its own i2c bus)
So the i2c interface on the XBee3 is accessible via MicroPython. Separately, once an XBee3 module is powered on, MicroPython runs on the chip in a way that sends the coordinator an AT command telling the coordinator that router module’s MAC address so then the coordinator can reply back with a configuration profile that the router must apply to itself (the powered on router reconfigures depending on where it is plugged in).
All this works as long as:
1.) Python program and MicroPython program both may run same time.
2.) sending and receiving back and forth between micropython and python is fine and good.
Anything critically flawed with my understanding here?
thank you very much.