Strange A/D acquistion results

Board=Bls4160, DynamiC=DCRabbit_10.64 (no difference to DCRabbit_10.72E)

We do not unterstand how to configure the A/D acquisition or do not unterstand the results we get:

  • we configure all 8 channels of the board with
    anaInConfig (channel, SE0_MODE); // 0 - 20v
  • we acquire the channel values with
    voltage = anaInVolts (channel, GAIN_X5); //0-4V
    rawDigits = anaIn(channel, GAIN_X5); //0-4V

What we expect is to have a measurement range of 0-4V with a resolution of 2048 digits.
What we get is ~1650 digits at 4V. We assumed ~2048 digits at 4V!!!

voltage rawDigits
3,10161 1281
3,11371 1286
3,09677 1280
3,09919 1281
3,0871 1275
3,10161 1282
3,09677 1281
3,08952 1277

What is wrong?

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Have you calibrated the BL4S160? I’m not sure if they’re calibrated during manufacturing, or if it’s assumed customers will calibrate it for the modes/gains they require.

You can use Samples/BL4S1xx/ADC/adc_rd_se_unipolar.c to display the current calibration data.

Run adc_cal_se_unipolar.c to perform a calibration and store the data.

It has nothing to do with calibration. The boards are calibrated.

The anaIn function returns a value (rawdata) which is somehow(?) related to the assumed digits of 0 to 2047.
The voltage (returned by anaInVolts) is computed via the calibration values stored in the ADC_Cal_Table.

rawdata =anaIn(…)
rawdata = ADC_Cal_Table[channel].offset - rawdata;
return ADC_Cal_Table[channel].gain * rawdata; //<<

So you have seen the code in anaInVolts() (from BL4S1xx.lib), and you’ve posted the relevant code on how it converts from a raw reading to volts. Has that answered your original question, or are you looking for additional information?

I would like to understand why the code returned from the ADC is only between ~0 to ~1630 counts for all gain/measurement ranges.
The resolution of the ADC in each range is
and NOT as expected
The documentation is not really helpful here.
At least now we know why we do NOT get counts values up to 2047. So this behaviour is not caused by a bug in our software, it seems to be nominal.

From the documentation for anaInVolts():
Voltage ranges given in the table below are nominal ranges that will be returned. However, values outside these ranges can often be seen before the return of a BL_OVERFLOW error.

I don’t have a definitive answer, but note that a voltage range of 0V to 5V does align with the readings you’re seeing. I don’t know if the restricted range of 0V-4V is to allow a safety margin for voltages up to 25% higher, or if this is an issue with the ADC configuration in BL4S1xx.lib. I note that the library configures the ADC for a 2.5V reference voltage (see the ads7870_power() function), but the ADC also supports 2.048V as an option. Perhaps using that reference voltage results in the voltage ranges for each gain code using the full 2048-bit range. It wasn’t clear to me from reading the ADS7870 data sheet ( how the gain codes and reference voltage affect the supported voltage range.

Hello Tom,
thank you for your answer and effort!
I did not really understand the ADS7870 as well.
for the moment we can continue working with the information we have.
Thank you!

May be helpful for others the following tests:
Input Voltage Selected Gain anaInVolts() anaIn() value
5,0000 20 5,015 405
5,0000 10 5,019 813
5,0000 5 5,016 1627
4,0001 4 4,02 1628
2,5000 2,5 2,505 1629
2,0000 2 1,998 1630
1,2500 1,25 1,251 1634
1,0000 1 1,002 1637

10,0000 20 10,018 812
9,9998 10 10,035 1627