*This post is not getting displayed properly, but i do not know the problem here. Any ideas?
Hi all,
I am having trouble transmitting data. I have a cpp programm that should transmit and receive using this xbee board: http://ftp1.digi.com/support/documentation/xbibudev_referenceguide.pdf
Receiving data works perfectly fine, but sending is a problem.
The Code:
//open USB port for read/write and check success
ctx->fd = open(devFileName, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); //opens the usb port for reading
if (ctx->fd < 0) {
cerr << "Could not open the USB Port. Try adding User to group dialout!" << endl;
return 0;
//is the opened port a terminal?
if(!isatty(ctx->fd)) {
errno = ENOTTY;
return 0;
//setup termios
tcgetattr(ctx->fd, &(ctx->oldtio));
cfsetispeed(&newtio, baudrate);
cfsetospeed(&newtio, baudrate);
tcsetattr(ctx->fd, TCSANOW, &newtio);
tcflush(ctx->fd, TCIFLUSH);
lseek(ctx->fd, 0, SEEK_END);
ctx->bufIO = fdopen(ctx->fd, "r+");
bool connection_status=0;
unsigned char frame_id=0x00;
unsigned char checksum=0xff;
unsigned char buffer[] = {
0x7E, //start delimiter
0x00,0x07,//length of the data packet
0x01,//API identifier (refer to XBee module manual for further details)
frame_id++, //frame id
0x00,0x0B,//destination address
0x02,0x03,//data: 0,receiver address,mode
0x00}; //checksumm
for(unsigned int i=0;ibufIO);
But this does not work properly. I have an oscilloscope hooked up to the xbee to see data entering to be transmitted. But I do only get a signal of a few miliseconds, when the frame id is 0x0A. If i fix either the frame id or some other of the chars, for example the 0x02 to 0x0A then i get a signal of only one milisecond.
I am a little desperate by now, have been working on this for 1 week now.