Upload and run python app on connectport x4?

Hi, can i upload and run python app on connectport x4?

Sure you can. Just make sure that the Python app is written in Python 2.7 and already compiled.

You can upload it from the Web interface of the Gateway under the Python section.

Thank you very much.
Could you give me some tutorial example?

When I upload the application to the gateway can I also see it on the cloud or should I upload the application on cloud via different way? Can I run the application on the cloud ?

When you double click on the device from the Device Cloud > Device Management > Device tab, you will have the ability to see that your Python application is loaded on the module, if it is set up for an auto start and if desired, you can upload new applications to the module from there as well.


i managed to upload the tank exe app on the cloud, but i can’t run it. Can you gave me further help?