How are routers and end devices typically configured in a IoT deployment. What I have been doing is to configure each XBee with a pan-id for a given installation which seems to be rather inefficient of a production environment. pan-id = 0 so the device can join any open network looks good but say I have two installations nearby, it device could be picked up by the wrong coordinator. What is the desired or suggested way to ensure a new device goes to the correct coordinator?
Most use PAN ID 0 in production. But then use some sort of method to set the PAN ID in the instillation. Either via dip switches, keyboard etc. I generally recommend using the address of the location as the PAN ID. Even just the house number or part of the house number works.
Thanks, Because my xbees stand alone I need to continue to individually set the pan-id, I’ll expose a com header for setup.