What do people use for memory?

Another in my series of newbie questions… I will be developing a simple system using the Rabbit 2000 or similar. I happen to have an old EE/EPROM programmer that communicates with a PC over RS-232. Do people use these things any more or can I just get rid of it? Do people just use flash when working with the Rabbits? I also have a UV eraser.

I would think that most people on this site will use the core modules which have flash ram built in, and a nice simple programming interface.

I for one have not used an (e)eprom programmer for at least 10 years.

Thanks LHM. Thought I would check here first before I toss the equipment.

Of course, as soon as you throw it out you’ll need it!
It might be handy if you ever have to work on some legacy product - but I haven’t seen a new design that uses EPROMs in ages.