I have robot motherboard based on an atmel mcu and xbee s2 pro. (router)
I made another board for communicate to the PC, it is based on FTDI FT232RL. I use it with same xbee unit (coordinator).
I can receive any amount of data from the PC to the robot, but i have to send at least 45 characters from the robot to receive just one at the pc. So for instance i send 100 characters from the board, there is a little delay and i get only the last 56 characters. It has been monitored by several terminal programs.
The xbees are the same (zbp24-zb), one coordinator another router, same channel, same pan, newest firmware (coordinator 20A7, router 22A7), both AT mode. Serial paramteres: 9600 8N1.
Is there some special parameter i should change about the xbees, or the FTDI usb serial converter may be the guilty one? I set the serial port to make hardware flow control and with xon/xoff but did not help. And i did the optimization according to this: http://www.digi.com/support/kbase/kbaseresultdetl?id=3418
I would appreciate any help or idea!
Wish the best!