Why is there no way to find Dynamic C on the Digi website?

There seems to be no way at all to find Dynamic C via the links or by searching.

Why is this?

We can only find it by Googling…a weird way to find products on a site.

Hello, At the below link you can get the Dynamic C by searching the keyword “Dynamic”

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And go down and expand “Development Software and Sample Code”.

No link whatsoever from any of the devices. How would a newbie even know how to find this stuff?

Based on your module, you need to download the Dynamic C.
Rabbit 2000,3000 processor based modules supports Dynamic C 9.62.
Rabbit 4000,5000 and 6000 based modules supports Dynamic C 10.72.

The fully integrated installer for the new Dynamic C 10.72A release, including release notes (readme file),
is now available for download on the Digi technical support website in the “Dynamic C 10” product section under
“Development Software and Sample Code”.

We are actively working on re-establishing the link to the software assets, e.g. Dynamic C, from the product profile pages. Currently, only the documentation assets are linked.


I’ve been using Rabbits for 10 years now, and the link between the products and the Compiler Tools has gotten progressively murkier for some reason.

When I have hired new people, telling them to “download Dynamic C from the Digi site” has made me look foolish…especially when I couldn’t show them how to do it myself.

A Software link has been created under each product page.
You should be able to find the corresponding Dynamic C version for each platform under the product pages.

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