
Im a beginner to rabbit. I want to use WiFi in my project. Can anyone pls tell how to display the output signal in my pc received from the rabbit WiFi module?

Is there any software available to directly acquire the signal from the WiFi port address and display it?

If the Rabbit module makes a successful WiFi connection then the PC (either connected to the same WiFi network or to the wired network of the access point) makes a normal TCP/IP connection to communicate with the Rabbit device.

Alternatively they can communicate by setting up an Ad Hoc wireless network.

I think you need to read up on WiFi first. Try starting with this doc on the Rabbit site http://www.rabbit.com/documentation/docs/refs/TN230/TN230.htm


Thank you. This means i do not need any specific software for receiving data from WiFi, its just like a normal TCP/IP connection. Anyways will read the doc first.

I click your link and it drives me to http://www.digi.com/products/wireless-wired-embedded-solutions/

A lot of links like that are broken since the reorganisation of the Rabbit brand under the more general Digi umbrella. Thi info is still there but you will have to look in the right place for it.

You can find this technical bulletin and other info on the documentation section of the RCM5600w product page at


Look at the link below , you can get the RCM5600W user’s manual…