I wish to connect Xbee S2C to drive a remote display which uses 7 segment 2 digits configured as end device in AT mode.
Coordinator Xbee S2C connected at PC side. Now I want to drive port of End device Xbee S2C. Which will be programmed to drive digits and segments of digits.
Let me know how I can send a data by using API command to remote Xbee S2C.
Which command needs to be used. I do not want to use Set/Reset portbits of port.
I am confused. Are you wanting to send Serial Data out of the XBee modules to the devices or control a digital IO line by setting it as an output high or low?
I will be connecting co-ordinator xbee to serial port of SCADA which runs a script. By using this script wish to display 0-9 on 1st digit when selected. For 2nd digit also 0-9 when selected.
Suppose i wish to display a digit 8 on 1st digit.
I like to send a X = 1000 (Binary code of “8” ) and digit selection bit 1
For this wish to send “X” by using API command at once.
Which API command I should use ?
I cannot use 0x17 command the process of displaying will get slow.
Please suggest a API command to send display information
“8” “0”