XBEE 802.15.4 encryption

I have a XBEE pro s2c (802.15.4) and i try the encryption part. In the user guide, it’s write the product have only the security level 4 (ENC). But in Wireshark, the encryption is MIC-64 and not ENC. Also there is not the auxiliary security header, I think the encryption is not correct.
Are you agree with me ?
Have you a correct version?
Or is it possible to sent to the XBEE all the frame Dot154 begining by the Frame control field ?


The XBee module is going to follow the IEEE 802.15.4 specifications which is documented in the manual.

If this is not the case, then you need to make sure you are using the most current firmware files. If that is still not the case, you then should contact Digi Technical support