I have a XBee S2B router which send its ADC values to the coordinator (once every minute)
When there is a low Voltage value on the pin, below 10mV it is seen always as 0. (did this test with a few different Xbee’s).
When the input on the ADC is above 10mV the ADC gives numbers above 0.
A few examples of ADC measurements:
used (ADC/1023)*1.2 to calculate the voltage from the ADC.
68.4mV Multi meter; ADC 49 => 57.5 mV
300.7mV Multi meter; ADC 248 => 290.9 mV
928.0mV Multi meter; ADC 783 => 917 mV
Jasper, you can see with the actual API frame that you are not getting a 0 value. If you calculating a 0 value from the 00 0A CC value, then there is an issue with your Code and not the radio.
Jasper,. the only thing I can think of that would cause this is if you had the lines switched and are actually providing a negative voltage. In that situation, the value would be 0.