I am currently have 2 XBee-PRO 900HP modules with the Grove Development Boards. I’m using one as a base, connected via a USB cable to my laptop and one that is powered by batteries with a voltage stabilizer giving the Vcc required to power it up. I have a 1V to 2.5V signal coming in on Pin 17 (DIO3_AD3) giving an analog voltage signal.
But it seems to be getting killed at setting the IOConfiguration [remoteDevice.setIOConfiguration(IOLINE_IN, IOMode.ADC);] with a “Status Error”.
So I tried using the XCTU to do the same thing by searching for the remote board and changing the value of “D3” to “ADC”, but it gave me a Status Error as well.
Has anyone met with this error and knows what it is looking for or how to solve it?
I did not use the API frame to transmit the commands. I tried to use the GUI of the XCTU to “write” the D3 value to the system but it gave me a Status Error pop-up.
I used the XBeeJavaLibrary and tried remoteDevice.setIOConfiguration(IOLINE_IN, IOMode.ADC); to set the IOConfiguration of the remote Xbee but this did not work.
Is there anywhere I am able to find the API frame to transmit the command to setIOConfiguration and subsequently read the ADC from that pin?
In order to use the Remote configuration option or ADC, the local radio connected to the PC and the radio that is going to be outputting the ADC value both must be in API mode.
The issue is that you are providing a Hex value for an ASCII character when in fact, the value is already Hex. That is instead of sending a 0x32 value for 2, just issue 0x02.
That is correct. The API frame of 7E 00 0F 17 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FE 02 44 33 73 is only querying the value of the D3 parameter. If you wanted to set it to a value, then the frame would need to look something like 7E 00 10 17 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FE 02 44 33 03 70