I’m a new user here in the forum… I have some doubts and I don’t know how can solve this.
I have one kit of Sparkfun (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9897)
1 x Xbee Explorer
2 x XBee 1mW Chip Antenna - Series 1 (802.15.4)
1 x Xbee Shield
The Xbee Modules are:
Modem Type: XB24
Modem firmware version = 10EC
My intention is transfer data between the computer with Java Application and Arduino using API mode 2.
In the AT mode, I tested and it worked, despite having a Zigbee connected in loopback with TX connect in RX(Pin 2 in Pin 3)
But in the API mode I dont know how i transfer data.
How i can test it? Have one exemplo for use?
I’ve set this site as an explanation but also did not work.