XBEE ZBEE Coordinator does not build up ZBEE-Network after short Power drop

Hi there,

I need help on the following issue. I have designed an Entrance- and Access-System for a non profit association - in order to control Member entrance via RFID-Chip and plenty of routers at expensive machines to control access.
The coordinator (Digi XBEE ZBEE S2C) is located on a HAT-Board connected to a Rasperry Pi.
If I power up everything from scratch - the coordinator starts to build up the Zigbee Network and after a short while all machines are visible on the network.
Now the problem: Once in a while we experiance power drops in our building affecting also the Raspberry Pi with his coordinator. After resetting the Fuse - the Raspberry powers up again - BUT the coordinator does not build up again the Zigbee network.
Has anyone an idea why? Is it possible to force the coordinator building up again the network?

Are you writing any settings to Flash with the WR command?

Are you issuing any Network reset commands?

Are you using the Watch Dog timer function on your Routers?

Thank you so much for the fast answer. The configuration of the module was done with the XCTU-Program. I am not writing any settings to Flash with the WR command, I am not issuing any Network reset commands and the Watch Dog is disabled.

The problem only occurs after short Line Power Drops we sometimes have in the building. After resetting the Fuse - the Raspberry powers up again - BUT the coordinator does not build up again the Zigbee network.