Xbee3 configuration

Hey Guys,

      I am working with Xbee3 module. I have two Xbee3 module. I have configured one module as Xbee3 COORDINATOR and the other module as ROUTER in transparent mode. At this point I am able to communicate between these two modules in TRANSPARENT MODE. 

But when I configure both these modules in API MODE , I am not able to see any communication between these two modules.

Can you guys share me configuration settings in API MODE?

Thanks in advance.

API modem means that you are going to send ALL data in and out of the radios UART using the Digi API Hex frames. See https://www.digi.com/resources/documentation/digidocs/90001539/#containers/cont_zb_api_operation.htm?TocPath=API%2520Operation%257C_____0