XCTU 6.2 not usable on 4K - Windows 10 system - All values crushed...

Dear Support, I have a major issue with the latest resale of your XCTU version 6.2.0

Information in the boxes, values etc are all crushed together and it makes it near impossible to see anything correctly. This is not only on this main screen but all screens.

I have tried this on my laptop as well as my desktop and but have the same issue.

My laptop is a DELL XPS 15" 4K screen and Windows 10
Desktop is high end workstation with Windows 10 and AMD R9 graphics card and dual 4K monitors.

This error seems to be that your application is not correctly configured to run with 4K or Windows 10 scaling, or those in combination.

Please let me know what I can do to fix this as I have a 10 node unit to configure with Xbee 900’s

If you are trying to reach Digi Support. You are in the wrong area. This area is for Members helping Members. To contact Digi Support, you need to submit a case online at https://mydigi.secure.force.com/customers/

As for the issue, No, the XCTU 6.x is not designed for low resolutions. It needs a system that supports 1160 x 1280 or higher.